dust jacket - перевод на Английский
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dust jacket - перевод на Английский

Dust wrapper; Dustjacket; Dust Jacket; Dust-cover; Dust cover; Book jacket; Dust-jacket; Bookjacket; Dust Cover; Dustwrapper; Dustcover
  • Dust jacket of ''Hermione and her Little Group of Serious Thinkers'' by [[Don Marquis]], an early work of humour, produced in 1916.

dust-jacket = dust-cover




dust jacket         


dust jacket
¦ noun a removable paper cover on a book.


Dust jacket

The dust jacket (sometimes book jacket, dust wrapper or dust cover) of a book is the detachable outer cover, usually made of paper and printed with text and illustrations. This outer cover has folded flaps that hold it to the front and back book covers.

Dust jackets originally displayed cover information on top of a simple binding, at a time when it was not feasible to print directly onto the binding. The role of a dust jacket has been largely supplanted by modern hardcover printing technologies, which prints such information directly onto the binding.

Modern dust covers still serve to display promotional material and shield the book from damage. The back panel or flaps of the dust cover are printed with biographical information about the author, a summary of the book from the publisher (known as a blurb) or critical praise from celebrities or authorities in the book's subject area. The information on the dust jacket often resembles that of the binding but may have additional promotions about an edition, and the information on the flaps is not typically copied onto the binding.

The dust jacket protects the book covers from damage. However, since it is itself relatively fragile, and since dust jackets have practical, aesthetic, and sometimes financial value, the jacket may in turn be wrapped in another jacket, usually transparent, especially if the book is a library volume.

Примеры произношения для dust jacket
1. Even though the dust jacket blurbs
Race in America Beyond Black and White _ Frank Wu _ Talks at Google
2. on the dust jacket of a book whose protagonist is not white.
Was the Cat in the Hat Black _ Philip Nel _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для dust jacket
1. Why are so many of us reading these books that they have been marketed with an alternative "adult" dust–jacket?
2. In 1'6', he published Naked Came the Stranger,‘‘ a sex novel whose dust jacket claimed it was written by a Long Island housewife.
3. However, if you haven‘t much time for the book, just read the dust–jacket which, following Shakespeare‘s advice about brevity, basically says it all.
4. The Great Gatsby was best. 2) Ideas÷ At an early stage, to spur Fitzgerald along, Perkins showed him a possible dust jacket for the book – two gigantic eyes, brooding over New York.
5. On the dust jacket of the copy of Porius I finally managed to purchase, at some expense, there is an indistinct photograph of the great man himself, gazing into the misty cleft of a mountain range, wearing what could be an old rug, or an old cardigan.